This all new version of Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) training, launched in 2022 has proved to be game changing for those who’ve experienced it so far. By completing this new course you will have new knowledge and confidence to help keep yourself and those around you well as well as receiving three years of certification, hard copy materials and access to a 3 year digital support package.
This course is ideal for individuals who would like to become an MHFAider® to gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health, be confident to start a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support.
With MHFA England, training doesn’t stop when your course comes to an end. We provide continuous support for MHFAiders® – well beyond your initial certification – so you are confident, empowered and motivated to carry out the role.
By completing this course you will also be eligible to join the Association of Mental Health First Aiders®, England’s first and only membership body for Mental Health First Aiders. Membership is free and grants you access to three years of MHFAider support and benefits to help you carry out your role with confidence, skill, and care.
On completing this course you’re now eligible to take an internationally recognised MHFAider® qualification
£350 per person or in-house group training also available
(Made up of 2 x 9am – 5pm days)
As an MHFAider® you will be able to:
Everyone who completes this course gets: